Tuesday 19 September 2017

Czech Republic: SŽDC presents plan for reconstruction and revitalisation of railway stations for next five years

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In the first year of the railway station administration, SŽDC had intensively worked on preparation of a detailed plan of complex reconstruction, modernisation and revitalisation of the passenger buildings, meaning not just partial interventions and acute repairs. Construction works are expected at more than hundreds of station buildings and stops every year. From this point of view, the next year can be seen as a breakthrough as a higher number of larger investment events will take place. The state organisation has also been planning to prepare overall modernisations of 50 stations every year. Total management, repair and investment costs between the years 2017 and 2022 will reach CZK 8.4 billion.

For the first year of the railway station administration, SŽDC had spent more than CZK 215 million on repairs, construction adjustments or project preparation. There are 149 fully completed constructions for nearly CZK 110 million, another dozens of larger or smaller repairs are running at the moment.

"We have succeeded in bringing the station’s transfer to state property and thus opening the way for greater investments in neglected buildings. I’m glad that the works started right after the transfer happened and the first results are already visible. Anyone, who regularly travels by train, however, confirms that so much still remains to be done in this area. Nevertheless, there will be a rapid increase in the number of modernized railway stations within the upcoming years”, said Mr Dan Ťok, Transport Minister of the Czech Republic.

(Source: SZDC)

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