Tuesday 6 November 2018

UIC 1st door-to-door solutions workshop: Business-to-business opportunities for a sustainable urban mobility

14 November 2018 in Warsaw

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This event will be an opportunity for railways to discuss business opportunities for the first and last mile solutions, with a strong focus on sustainable solutions. UIC Members are encouraged to register and to actively contribute to the event.

The goal of the workshop is to open a dialogue between railway companies and urban mobility providers for a new mobility offer to exchange best practices and stimulate partnerships and cooperation, in the frame of the new UIC project “Door-to-door solutions” (2018 – 2020) that will be presented during the workshop.

Car sharing, car-pooling, bike sharing, scooter sharing, stations as hubs, MaaS – mobility as a Service – tools, journey planners, integration with public transport, electric vehicles facilities and integrated offer: these are areas in which railway companies are engaging with passion. New forms of business can be created for the benefits of customers, citizens and environment.

Participants and speakers will bring together UIC Members and key stakeholders from the door-to-door economy..

This event is recognised as contributing to the UNFCCC Talanoa Dialogue.


9:30 - 10:20 - Introduction

Welcome speech 9.30 - 09.50

  • Jerzy Wisniewski, Director Fundamental Values - Coordinator Middle-Eastern Region, UIC (10 minutes)
  • Andrzej Żurkowski, Director of Railway Research Institute (IK) Poland
    The UIC door-to-door project 9.50 - 10.20
  • Carole Escolan, Head of the UIC Sustainable Development Unit,
  • Raimondo Orsini, Director of Sustainable Development Foundation

10:20 - 11:00 Session 1: Opening session

International overview: International stakeholders and organisations bringing insights at worldwide level: sharing mobility projects, door-to-door projects, world urban mobility, etc.

  • Francisco Furtado, International Transport Forum, OECD
    Presentation on door-to door/sharing mobility projects
  • Maas Alliance
    World urban mobility and examples from cities
  • Michel Arnd, Polis Network
    European overview on innovative transport solutions

11:00 - 12:30 Session 2: Best practices

Speakers from different urban transport sectors will give an overview about several solutions and their experiences in the field of mobility as a service, integrated urban mobility, sharing/pooling, electric charging.

Urban mobility providers invited:

  • Gianni Martino, Managing Director Italy/Spain & Country Manager Europe South, Car2go
  • TBD, DriveNow GmbH & Co. KG
  • Torben Bursinski, Product Tribe Lead Strategy, MyTaxi
  • Derrien Gauthier, Head Europe, Lime
  • De Feo Mirko, Head of Business Development, Free2move
  • Emiliano Saurin, Founder Urbi
  • Alessandro Felici, Ceo Evolnet - Mobike
  • Maurizio Pompili, Italy country Manager, eCooltra
  • TBD, Clearchannel
  • Markewitz Victoria, Business Development Principal, Via
  • Pietro Peyron, Business Development Manager Italy, Nextbike

Open debate between UIC members and urban mobility providers
Open debate: Q&A session

12:30 - 14:00 Networking lunch

This moment gives UIC members and urban mobility providers the opportunity to share ideas and create relationships and strategic alliances.

14:00 - 15:30 Session 3: Business examples and cooperation models

The challenges introduced by the new mobility require rail companies to adopt a systemic door-to-door approach and propose travel offers capable of providing the final customer with easy solutions to run the first and last mile (home-rail station; rail station-final destination) in a sustainable, efficient and comfortable way.
Some EU rail companies have already taken steps in this direction, while others are now starting to focus on this important aspect of co-modality. The session will present an overview of door-to-door models already in place as well as new plans to come, providing information on challenges and opportunities in the set up of partnership with urban mobility providers.

The following companies will be represented:

  • SBB Swiss Federal Railways - Switzerland
  • FS - Italian State Railways - Italy
  • DB - Deutsche Bahn - Germany
  • NSB - Norway railways - Norway
  • Bane Nor - Norway
  • Gares&Connexions, SNCF - France
  • ADIF - Spain
  • Slovenian Railway - Slovenia
  • Sustainability Affairs, CER
  • NUGO
  • Warsaw transport authority
  • UIC Station Managers Global Group (SMGG)

Open debate with UIC members motivated to launch door-to-door partnerships

15:30 - 16:00 Conclusions and next steps

  • Raimondo Orsini, Director of Sustainable Development Foundation (10 minutes)
  • Wrapping up
  • Carole Escolan, Head of the UIC Sustainable Development Unit (10 minutes)
  • Next steps



To register, please follow this link: https://events.uic.org/uic-1st-door-to-door-solutions-workshop

Note that the event is free of charge. Travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the participant.

Following this event, the UIC event Global debate on mobility challenges for future society will take place on 15 and 16 November at the same venue. All participants of the door-to-door workshop are welcome to join this event for free. You are invited to register – registration for the door-to-door workshop does not automatically register participants for the Global Debate – and to learn more about this event following this link: https://events.uic.org/global-debate-on-mobility-challenges-for-future-society

For further information please contact Marie-Luz Philippe, Advisor for Sustainable Development & UIC Middle-East Region:

philippe at uic.org

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