Friday 13 November 2020

Opportunities for Railways in Digital Platforms

Webinar to be held on 3 December 2020

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The full integration between different mobility services can be realised using Mobility-as-a-Service Platforms (MaaS Platform).

MaaS Platforms offer the capability to smoothly combine multiple mobility solutions from origin to destination (train legs included) and pay for the entire journey with a single transaction. The platforms have the added benefit of real-time information along the journey that reacts instantly in times of disruption and delay, providing alternative routes.

In order to make the necessary shift away from road and combustion engines, it is essential that more passengers find rail and other public transport easy to use and convenient.

In a post-Covid world we have the opportunity to #buildbackbetter and build confidence in public transport again with the travelling public. How can MaaS help rail to meet this challenge?


Welcome speech 11.30AM
Goals and perspectives of the events

Lucie Anderton, Head of Sustainability Unit, UIC
Raimondo Orsini, Sustainable Development Foundation Director

Opening session 11.50AM
MaaS technology for a more sustainable transport and its role for transport decarbonisation

Piia Karjalainen, MaaS Alliance – 10min (confirmed)
UITP (invited)
Juan José Montero Pascual, EU Commission, EUI & UNED – FSR Scientific

Committee - 10 min (confirmed)

Q&A 10 min

12.30-2.00PM - Digital lunch break

Session 1 - 2PM
Moderator: Raimondo Orsini

Best practices and success stories inspiring future opportunities
Rail companies and MaaS provider will give an overview about their solutions, experiences and challenges in the field of Mobility as a Service; the session will present as well an overview of MaaS solutions already launched and on-site.

Speakers from UIC Members including SBB, SNCF, FS, NS, etc.
Names to be announced soon

Q&A 10 min

Session 2 - 3.45PM
Railway as a backbone of sustainable transport system for the future of urban mobility
Moderator: Vanessa Perez, UIC

Speakers from UIC Members including Networkrail, JR, ViaRail, EFE, etc.
Names to be announced soon

Q&A: Open debate between participants

Conclusion - 5.30PM
UIC and the Foundation

For further information please contact Marie-Luz Philippe, Senior Advisor-Sustainable Development & UIC Middle-East Region: philippe at

Visit the dedicated webpage:

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