Wagon keepers are responsible for the safe state of their vehicles, and thus they need to be aware of what happens in a rail workshop when a wagon suffers from “en route” damage far away from their premises.
Wagon keepers are responsible for the safe state of their vehicles, and thus they need to be aware of what happens in a rail workshop when a wagon suffers from “en route” damage far away from their premises.
The general rules set out in Appendix 7 & 10 of the General Contract of Use for Wagons (GCU) define key workshop procedures. Without the common rules, a wagon keeper can no longer guarantee that the wagons comply with safety regulations all the time, which will lead to further expenses and time-consuming issues.
Work group focuses on defining the following:
- general procedures for the workshop diagnosis of incoming wagons with “en route” damages
- catalogue of technical problems and rules of repair
- general rules of wagon treatment to be respected by the workshop repair codes to inform the keeper about the service delivered
- spare parts: management, storage and handling prescriptions
UIC Contact
For any further information please contact: Christoph Gabrisch