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Project information

  • Project title: CEF PSA UBS ACTION
  • Full title: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Programme Support Action (PSA) Unified Braking Scheme (UBS) “UBS Action: solving priority 1 of the Log Book issue and implementing the Unified Braking Scheme (UBS) as a pilot project along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor with the aim of transferring knowledge gained across the TEN-T rail network”
  • Project website: https://cef-psa-ubs.eu
  • Project start date: 01/01/2020
  • Project end date: 31/12/2023
  • Grant agreement No: MOVE/C4/SUB/CEF/PSA/2020-62/SI2.83263

Project description

In 2017 the European Commission launched a Rail Technical Operational Issues Logbook, the main aim of which is to identify barriers to interoperability hampering international rail freight traffic, especially on rail freight corridors (RFCs).

One of the most important priorities is the technical operational issue of different national braking rules and requirements. To harmonize braking rules within the TEN-T rail freight area in the EU, a working group set up by Xrail and the International Union of Railways (UIC) looked into concrete solutions to overcome this braking rule barrier. Linked with that initiative, a project named CEF PSA UBS Action was launched to resolve the technical operational issue of different national braking rules and requirements and implementing the Unified Braking Scheme (UBS) as a pilot project along the Rhine-Alpine Corridor.

Project consortium

  • DB Cargo AG (Railway Undertaking) – Coordinator
  • DB Cargo Nederland (Railway Undertaking) – Affiliated Entity
  • DB Cargo Italia (Railway Undertaking) – Affiliated Entity
  • UIC - Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (Rail Associations)
  • EEIG Corridor Rhine-Alpine EWIV (Rail Freight Corridor)
  • EBA - Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (National Safety Authority)
  • DB Netz (Infrastructure manager)

Final Conference materials

1st TrainDy study results - Thierry DURAND
Unified Braking Scheme - A common initiative of Xrail and UIC - Hannes LUTS
CEF PSA Project UBS - Lukas JOA
CEF PSA UBS Action Project - Final conference - Hakan GUNEL
IRS 40421 - Giulia RUSSO
3rd TrainDy Study - CEF UBS Action Project - Robert KARBSTEIN
The 2nd TrainDy study - Luciano CANTONE
CEF PSA UBS Project Final conference AMOC - Frederic HENON

UIC Contact

For any further information please contact: Hakan Günel

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Wednesday 14 December 2022