Project information
- ERTMS Platform services
- Project director: Christian Chavanel
- Project manager: Jean-Michel Evanghelou
- Status: ongoing project
- Project code: P000067
Project description
UIC is active within the ERTMS/ETCS development and evolution. At the European level other organisations such as the ERTMS Users Group, UNIFE, UNISIG, ERA, CER and EIM are cooperating. UIC assures the coordination and chairmanship of the CCS&Tlc Support Group set up under the CER.
The main reasons of the project are:
- To contribute in collaboration with the CER-CCS S.G. to coordinate technical debates and the priority items established by ERA-ERTMS Control Group;
- To periodically inform the UIC railways about the status of the activities carried out by CER-CCS SG, ERA-ERTMS Control Group and ERA-CCS Working Party
- To identify the actions and items which may be important and are not in the vision of these groups and take initiatives to launch new UIC projects or new collaboration of UIC in existing projects of other stakeholders.
Correlated benefits of such exchange of information are the avoidance of duplication, the coherence and efficiency of the common work in ERTMS development, also outside Europe where ERA doesn t have jurisdiction.