Project information
- GSM-R Network Management
- Project director: Christian Chavanel
- Project manager: Jean-Michel Evanghelou
- Status: ongoing project
- Project code: P000293
Project description
The project is in line with the UIC strategy of technical support for building up and strengthening the performance of radio communication in Europe, while preserving the Interoperability of the system.
GSM-R is in operation on the majority of lines in Europe and is largely proven as being the radio digital solution in Europe. GSM-R European network requires constant work for harmonising issues on roaming conditions, operations, interconnections and international routing, frequency management, including more and more critical work on interferences coming from public operators.
For all the above activities UIC plays the role of technical autority; the UIC technical support for the European Commission, the European Raulway Agency, the Rails Sector association and ECC/CEPT is recognized as a necessity.