Critical Infrastructure Preparedness and Resilience Research Network

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CIPRNet is a research project in the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7-SEC-2012.7.4-2: Networking of researchers for a high level multi-organisational and cross-border collaboration.), 5th transport call published in July 2011.

CIPRNET project Objectives

The objectives are:

  • to implement new capabilities for supporting more effective responses to disasters that affect or originate from multiple CI. In particular, create added-value decision-support capabilities for national and multi-nation emergency management and CI owners based upon integrating technologies available at CIPRNet partners.
  • to support the secure design of Next Generation Infrastructures, demonstrate timely, actionable, risk-informed CIP analyses and strategies for au-thorities (both nationally, cross-border, and EU-wide) and CI owners.


The Critical Infrastructure Preparedness and Resilience Research Network (CIPRNet) will establish a Network of Excellence in Critical Infrastructure (CI) Protection R&D for its stakeholders.

CIPRNetwork will provide concrete and long-lasting support from the CIP research com-munities to the initial audience, enhancing their preparedness for CI-related emergencies, and provide knowledge and technology to other stakeholders for improving the understanding and mitigation of the consequences of CI disruptions.


1 March 2013 - 28 February 2017


13 partners from 8 countries (BE ,CA, CH, DE, FR, IT, NL, PL)
Leadership: Fraunhofer (Germany)
Partners: ENEA (Italy), TNO (Netherlands), UIC (France), CEA (France), JRC (Italy), UCY (Cyprus), UTP (Poland ), UCBM (Italy), UBC (Canada), ACRIS (Switzerland)

Benefits for rail

CIPRNet will reinforce and extend the existing cooperation and integration of the CIPRNet core partners and will turn it into a long-lasting integration.

The CIPRNet consortium represents experiences with over sixty CIP-related research projects from all of the major EU funding lines. This constitutes an unprecedented assembly of excellence and top expert knowledge in the CIP research area.

In CIPRNet UIC is an end-user in the railway infrastructures sector. Additionally, UIC will actively contribute to dissemination activities to its members, within CIPRNet, and more. UIC will also add end-user perspectives from the railway transport domain on the joint research activities, the VCCC, and the definition of realistic scenarios. UIC will host one of the CIPRNet workshops with end-users.

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Friday 1 March 2013